Role of dairy product in pathogenesis of sidhma kustha and comparative upshayatmaka trial of kusthadi lepa and darvyadi lepa along with kusthaghna mahakshaya kwath
A survey study to analyze the relation between sgpt (alt) level and medagni-mandya janya medodushti (fatty liver disease) and comparative therapeutic trial of manjistha churna as phanta and bhumyamlaki churna for its management
An epidemiological study to find out the relation between male sexual function & visual acuity and comparative therapeutic trial of Shukra-Janana & Chakshushya drugs.
An epidemiological study to ascertain the psychological factors in agnidushti with special reference to Grahani Dosha and clinical trial of Chitrakadi Vati & Medhya Vati
Nidanatmaka study of Dadru Kustha and Upashayatmaka Randomised trial to evaluate the efficacy of Mulkadi Lepa & Guduchyadi kwatha in the management of Dadru Kustha
A Study to find out the dietary and lifestyle patterns in the patients of Yuvanpidika and its management with Dashangalepa and Tarunyapitikaharlepa with special refrence to Acne Vulgaris